A. M. (8 out of 10 ) A great story. The power of the marriage!
Uni (10 out of 10 ) I loved It!!!
You've been warned... (1 out of 10 ) watch and you'll instantly become suicidal
sickbay (9 out of 10 ) amazing movie. it's soo good that i would be disapointed to see that so many ppl like it :) enjoy...
corrin (10 out of 10 ) "They should name a gender after you, lookin at you doesnt do it. Staring is the only way that makes any sense. And trying not to blink, so you dont miss anything. And all of that......and you r you! I mean look, forgive me...its just you are DROP DEAD CRAZY GORGEOUS!!!!so much so that i am actually considering looking at you again before we finish up here. "
dreau (9 out of 10 ) A predictable story because of the characters' reaction on values. But the thought within the script and it's nearness to reality, a sure thing good movie.
tc (10 out of 10 ) This movie is so great! I love the spanish incorporated within the story. The mother/daughter relationships are very interesting and beautiful. This movie really showed that Adam Sandler can act outside of pure comedy. Great story - it ended just like it needed to!
Fab (9 out of 10 ) A good movie. Touching. I cannot believe so many people disliked it.